Snakes and Lattes

If you’re wandering around Toronto, and have some time on your hands, I suggest visiting Snakes and Lattes. This is a legendary spot in Toronto for its $5 gameplay and fantastic cafe experience.

Snakes and Lattes

I went with 3 of my good friends, and I think we ended up staying there for about 5 hours… Yeah. Time flies when you’re having a good time. The deal with this place is that each person pays $5 and you can choose whichever games and play as long as you want. In the meantime, though, we did get hungry.

Their menu is relatively small but they make some good stuff. Off the menu, we had ordered a salmon croissant sandwich, a waffle sandwich (I know what you’re thinking, but it looks damn delicious), mac and cheese, and quiches. At first, it seemed a little expensive, but the dishes lived up to my expectations. The salmon croissant I had was a delight for my taste buds with interesting ingredients and included a delicious salad on the side. So for the cafe part of the experience, I must say that it was good and lived up to the price.

The fact that you can literally go into this place and for $5 each play for as long as you want should be enough to convince anyone that it is glorious. The games we played were (if I can remember) Cards Against Humanity, Gloom, Coup, Love Letter, Legendary, and Ticket to Ride.

I highly recommend playing Coup and Cards against Humanity, as well as Ticket to Ride.

Coup is a game where every player gets two cards with identities and each identity has its own abilities and actions. Each turn, the player can make an action and that can be based on their cards or they may be bluffing that they have another identity. This game is basically trying to figure out who is what, and challenging them. Winning means you are the last person with cards left in the game, as people will have to surrender their cards when they are busted for lying or when they challenge another player’s identity and they aren’t lying. Warning: Highly addictive.

Cards Against Humanity is your best choice for an amazingly hilarious time if you enjoy vulgar ideas and joking around like there’s no tomorrow. There are apparently several versions of this game. It basically just works with one question/prompt card at a time, where each player chooses a card from their hand that is the worst and funniest possible answer. One judge who doesn’t play a card will choose the best combination and the winner gets the question card. The winner of the game has the most question cards by the end, and the considerably most vulgar and dirty mind.

Ticket to ride was an interesting but time consuming game which consists of having a big board with paths on a map of the United States, with different cities marked. Each player gets cards with destinations they must make with a path of trains. But, the catch is that there are different coloured sections and you can only lay down your trains in that path if you have the same amount of according cards or rainbow cards.

Overall, definitely a place worth the visit when in Toronto!

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