Teenage Years

Can I just begin with, popularity sucks.

Here is why.

a) you have to take into account other’s ideas about you and ideas of who you should date/be best friends with

b) you have to live up to these expectations

c) you have to explain to everyone why, why oh why you chose the other path

Anyone who decides to think differently about it and turn their cheek on the subject is wrong.

But being a teenager isn’t about staying noble and loyal like some puppy to your parents and everyone around you (if you do then you’ll never survive without your mom, cough cough Victoria on America’s Next Top Model.)

Being a teenager is about starting to take control over your life, making your own decisions, and ultimately breaking some rules and promises if you have to do it to be truly happy or satisfied with your life.

Sometimes it may be right to take a minute to think about consequences, but that is just for a moment, don’t over think things.

By today’s turn of events, I’m going to stick with what my heart says. I’ve been living with the thought that following your mind is what you should do, but I was wrong, it messes you up, almost turns you into a heartless being really. When you are faced to make a decision that could really scar you, you obviously will turn to your mind and start thinking, but it gets out of hand sometimes.

I was faced with either staying with someone with whom I’d have the benefits of a tough football guy who everyone approved of, or going with summer boy which no one approved of. Of course, I had feelings for summer boy. I never really had feelings for the football guy, nor was I physically attractive, so it was either be happy and cross my fingers that people won’t judge my choice (people like football dude’s friends which I’d later have to explain to) or pretend to be happy with someone I never will be with. Feelings take time, sure, but there were also little things in between.

For once I chose my heart over anything else, I really forgot when I was over thinking things. and let me just tell you, it feels so much better.

As cliché as it may sound, follow your heart, make your own decisions, and stick with it. Just do it.



Relationships Now

I’d like to start out by saying, if we don’t have enough of a connection to really talk in depth about things that we both are interested in, don’t even think about asking me out. (I’m talking three hours of several paragraph messaging, and oh yes, it does happen in real life.)

Call me a whore, whatever youre definition of it is… But I am serious when I say: out of all the guys I’ve really talked to, only few have crossed my mind as the thought of “oh my gosh they’re totally like my soulmate because like we have the same interests and like we talk for like hours and we’re like deep!” I really believe that a successful relationship is one that has (close to or) all checks for terms like attraction, communication, trust/reliability, etc… There are probably a lot more than that but I’m just being brief.

Guys, I know it’s hard for most of you to deal with things when you’re just so damn attracted to her. I think the first step that you GUYS can do to prevent any misconceptions occuring in most modern society relationships (I’m looking at you, highschool boys!) IS… Be honest. I’m not even joking. If the biggest reason you like her is because you want a “fuck buddy” or you want her to be your “only fuck buddy”, TELL HER. Okay, now, don’t go off texting her “I want you to be my fuck buddy” just yet… In fact, dont be the one to text about that. Why? Because if you want to see if she’ll agree (I’ll spare you my judgement in your choice here) you don’t want to pressure her into it. NO; just because you asked her “are you sure?” and she said “yeah” doesn’t mean she actually meant it. That’s like simple pursuasion right there. Do it in person, that way you can really see the facial expression and body language to tell if she is ready or not… or wants to. The point of this is to not be misleading. Don’t tell her you want a long relationship with her if that isn’t all you want… 1, that’s emotional damage if she really falls for it, 2, you’re being a douche, and thinking with your dick. Stop. It’s no longer attractive when you’re a douche, give some fucking respect. And seriously dude if you’re really one to be okay with pressuring her into something like that… I’m judging you.

I just realized that this post is sort of homophobic but I’m sorry I just don’t know anything on that! :S

Girls, respect yourself. A wise friend told me that you should not allow a guy to think he has you right away because if you do imply so, a guy’s mind(/dick) will automatically think “oh, ok, alright- I got this, so I can like get far with her”… You must sit on a throne and he will be the peasant coming to you with a request and you will be the one saying “Hmm, I don’t know, maybe, I will see”, because that way they can’t take the advantage over you.

This post may also show off as offensive and sexist but I’m just being completely honest because this is pretty much the biggest problem in our modern society (highschool, anyways).

I guess it really depends what you’re looking for. For me, this is just the basics I have so far learned about our modern relationships… In no way am I saying this is absolutely the right way to deal with things… This is just what you can call my way or opinion on how it should be. You could have some other views than me.



10 Steps to Becoming Single

Pretty much 10 ways to completely bullshit your relationship with your lover or what-have-you.

1) Go to the same school as them

2) Give even the slightest attention to their facebook

3) Hang around them all the time

4) Never stop texting them

5) Tell them everything you hope for in the future right away

6) Bring up and discuss past relationships

7) Make them involved in the same things you are

8) Always ask where they are and who they’re with

9) Bother them to hang out most of the week

10) Assume all the bad things that could be, are.

Yep. That’s all I’ve got to really say today… Other than the fact that I’m going to mentor at the camp next week… Probably should start packing.

Update, and some stuff about moi!

So… I did yet again see him in the hallways today, but he’s not being abnoxious or anything, we waved to eachother.. But we only got into talking after school on the phone.

I talked to a trustworthy friend and she knows I have a (sort-of not really) crush on a senior at school… She told you know who, but didn’t say who the senior was… And part of that whole thing was just to really test him, but according to her apparently he said that he wants me back now…

Just when I’m about to leave! The horror! (This is a well used business technique, especially when bargaining… For high prices like if you’re buying a car or some appliance etc.)

And then I went home assuming he’s just an asshole you wants to keep me on the leash… Which is what my mom said/thought. Later I fell asleep and had a massive magical dream where he was there and some shit went on and in the end I was leaning on his shoulder like I was okay and alright with him… Then woke up from the nightmare, laugh out loud…


He had texted me while I was dreaming about him… creepy! (This is common for me, and I think I’m pyschic.)

He knew and finally decided to talk and reply to me. He figured it out and he said that it was ok and it’d be fine if I went ’cause I’d be happy but maybe we could go out in the next summer… But I just said I still have feelings for him, and I’m not sure if the’ll last. But another part was clearing up the whole misunderstanding about me thinking he meant he was really just going to see other people when he said “I kinda want to be friends”… But he said he didn’t mean that he was moving on at all. Sigh, I seriously am stuck facing a corner, not taking either side of trusting him nor not believing it.

Love, Stacette.

Modern Society and the Media – A Must Read

I think this post has got to be written. It’s something that’s bothered me for a while- maybe because I don’t choose to follow, I choose to lead, or do my own thing… And so I see through it all.

I’m sure we are pretty well aware of how the media is damaging society with its fooling tactics of slowly taking over the world by advertisements, through our favourite tv shows, music, artists, et cetera. So this post is sort of going into that topic and part about the media, its effect on people and especially teenagers.

These days, it feels like teenagers really stoop levels and go to extremes to become more popular or so called “cool“, and to do that they idolize popular stars, artists like Nicki Minaj (sorry for pulling this card out)… who really isn’t the best idol. Teenagers are having sex, spending money on piercings, (possibly condoms, too), and drugs because they think that it’s the right thing to do, or actually okay to do. What I’m getting at here, is that the media really is brainwashing our generation and is doing the worst job by picking the worst possible artists to publicize.

You think it’s okay to dress like this for school? Hah, only if you want to be a hooker for halloween…

When I’m a mother, I don’t want my kid to be absorbed into all this flashy, booby, diamond ring, drugs, and sex shit because to be honest it isn’t getting anyone anywhere (hey, unless they’re going into prostitution), and I really cannot believe that artists get so lazy they resort and stoop to the levels of singing about sex and drugs and easy things that take no work. I’m dumbfounded.

If I were really in the music industry I’d be putting my money into publicizing artists like Taylor Swift. She is a rare find as she handles her job in a classy way, and she doesn’t resort to showing off body parts to gain fans. I think the most important thing to be a good artist is to have and maintain a good concience of why you are there in the music industry. A good artist is there to share their music and send a good message to the world. Because if you haven’t noticed, things like these get out.

About these beauty pageant tv shows, and things like 16 & Pregnant, don’t even get me started. Excuse me, I don’t think you get the fact that people watch this and DO NOT get the concept of how bad these things are, and then they go off doing these things thinking they’re okay… even at their age.

Now, I have to adjust to going into highschool, where the even younger (and not as smart but I don’t want to say dumber) population comes in thinking it’s alright to go buy or start drugs, lose their virginity at age 14/15, and dress as provocatively as the “cooler” people or the celebrities.

The last thing I want to say is a message to anyone in highschool or any school… Most of the time, we get fooled into thinking that being cool, liked, and popular makes you the epitome of everything there is in highschool. Sure, being liked by many people and thought of isn’t bad. Socializing is great, but if you are craving a boy or girl, never forget: a magician never tells his secret, and sooner or later they will be intruiged enough to find out for themselves. Don’t spoil it by drssing provocatively and never ever send or try to sell yourself. It’s not really hard to be popular. You don’t have to go get drunk at a party to be known (I’ve been invited but haven’t gone and look at how great I’m doing), popularity simpy means many friends. So get out of your shy shell and make some friends! It will pay off, trust me. Although socializing is a great side dish to highschool, the main dish is more of what you want to focus on. Don’t let society get to you, and dont get caught up on popularity or boys, because at the time, what you really want to do is focus on your marks (hello? it’s school, you came here to learn!) and focus on figuring out yourself and where you’re going, you have a whole life in front of you… highschool will only seem as if it were just the very beginning.

Lots of love, Stacette.

And none for the media.